Javascript blueprint class for WordPress w. jQuery

The class

var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
// remap jQuery to $
// remap jQuery to $ AND wait till doc loaded
function My_Class() {
    // private properties
    var privateProp = 'private property';
    this.post_id = 0;
    this.post_type = '';
    this.baseUrl = '/';
    // public properties
    this.publicProp = 'public property';
    // privileged methods
    this.privilegedFunc = function(){ alert('privileged method'); }
    // private methods
    function privateFunc(){ alert('private method'); }
    this.showPost = function() {
// public prototype properties
My_Class.prototype.prototypeProp = 'prototype property';
// static properties
My_Class.staticProp = 'static property'; 
// public method
My_Class.prototype.publicFunc = function() {
    alert('public method');
My_Class.prototype.init = function() {
	if(this.post_id > 0) 

Init in WordPress footer

	var obj;
	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
		obj = new My_Class();
		obj.baseUrl = '<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/';
		<?php if( (is_single() || is_singular()) && !is_front_page() ) : ?>
		obj.post_id = <?php echo $post->ID; ?>;
		obj.post_type = '<?php echo $post->post_type; ?>';
		<?php endif; ?>


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