My first jQuery plugin: A simple Accordion

I’ve been using jQuery for quite some time now, but never took the time to try and write my own plugin.

Today i did and as an example i wrote a simple accordion plugin.
It’s probably far from perfect and i know there’s one in the jQuery UI library, but maybe you don’t want your clients to download an extra 200k just for an accordion… :-)

Anyways, the plugin has four parameters:
1. speed: for expanding/collapsing the container;
2. index: container to open on default;
3. trigger: the trigger element (defaults to an h2 element);
4. container: the html element used as container (defaults to a div, but can for example also be an ul);

// **************************************************************
// simpleAccordion v1.0.0
// simpleAccordion is my first try at writing jQuery plugins
// it provides a means for displaying a so called 'accordion' view
// mostly used in navigation, but can be used otherwise.
// Author      : Richard van den Winkel
// Website     :
// E-mail      :
// Releasedate : May 13 2009
// Version     : 1.0.0
// **************************************************************
--- An example ---
<div class="accordion">
function call:
<script type="text/javascript">        
    $(document).ready(function() {
            speed: 'fast',
            container: 'ul'
;(function($) {
    $.fn.simpleAccordion = function(o) {
        // default settings
        var o = $.extend({
            trigger: 'h2',
            container: 'div',
            speed: 'slow',
            index: 0
        }, o);
        return this.each(function() {
            // this =&gt; the accordion container
            var $this = this;
            // Variable for the current open item
            $this.curThis = "";
            // Set trigger cursor to pointer
            $(this).find(o.trigger).css('cursor', 'pointer');
            // Default close all item containers
            // Add click logic to all triggers
            $(this).find(o.trigger).click(function() {
                if ($this.curThis != "") {
                var newThis = this;
                if ($this.curThis == newThis) {
                    $this.curThis = "";
                else {
                    $this.curThis = newThis;
            // try to open the container with the corresponding index (if there are any...)
            if ($(this).find(o.trigger).length &gt; 0) {
                if (o.index &lt; $(this).find(o.trigger).length) {
                    $(this).find(o.trigger + ':eq(' + o.index + ')').click();
                else {
                    $(this).find(o.trigger + ':first').click();

You can view an example here:


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